Thanks for all the Love >.< Tell Max he just has to wait another year and I'll try to be a much better brother! I really miss Max and I wish I could of spent more time with him and toughen him up the right way. I almost cry when I think about how much I miss Max and I wish I could of been a better brother.... but I can't wait to get back and get him in shape! I'm gonna beat the crap out of him when I get back >.<
So the picture is of my study desk... I study like crazy when I get ready for district meeting I hope I can help the district this week. The last 5 weeks have been great for the district, all of our numbers have gone up.=) That makes me so happy!!!! Alma Chapter 26: 13-16 explains how I feel when I get good numbers from my district.
13. Behold, how many thousands of our brethren has he loosed from the pains of hell: and they are brought to sing redeeming love, and this because of the power of his word which is in us, therefore have we not great reason to rejoice?
14. Yea, we have reason to praise him forever, for he is the Most High God, and has loosed our brethren from the chains of hell.
15. Yea, they were encircled about with everlasting darkness and destruction; but behold he has brought them into his everlasting light, yea, into everlasting salvation; and they are encircled about with the matchless bounty of his love; yea, and we have been instruments in his hands of doing this great and marvelous work.
16. Therefore, let us glory yea, we will glory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever. Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord? Yea, who can say too much of his great power, and his mercy, and of his long-suffering towards the children of men? behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel.
I've really grown to love Elder Kennedy!!! No, we don't jam a lot and I don't need a ukulele or guitar. We do sing a lot =) He is a really great singer so that has been really nice to sing with him. Bill one of our investigators came to church again and loved it again and he also came to a baptism and loved that! Things are going really great in the district as well! I hope that I get to stay to see what this district can do=) I love the turtle stuff and the C.D. (Yo Yo Ma and the Goat Rodeo) I love string music so any instrumental. (That means with out singing.) I would love more C.D.s. I love watching the videos on they have one about the singer for the killers his name is Brandon Flowers I love it! The music he sings I would listen to =) His solo album is my style of music. =) I am excited to see what happens with transfers. I am 10 months old today time is flying by. (lets hope it stays that way) Tell the family, I love them. If Max and dad read the Book of Mormon out loud to each other they will become closer much, much closer. Dad and Max just need to make the time I know if they will do that blessings will happen =) Please make sure that gets done. That is all I have to say so far =) enjoy life. =)
Love, Elder Campbell
Sorry I don't write more about what I did during the week that stuff just is not very important for me to share, but what those things have done to me is what I like to share and if I don't share it I hope you see it.