Hey Mother alright lets run though the week! Monday we had a normal p-day we had dinner at President Payne's home. It was great! Tuesday I don't remember much I just remember that there was a change of plans tat day. Wednesday we had Champaign's district meeting. It went O.K. and then we taught Trisha. I learned the alphabet in sign language. Then we had a meeting with Alex! Thursday we had Danville's district meeting. We were training at al of the district meetings this week. Then we had president interviews that was a lot of fun then we had stake correlation meeting where we meet with the stake presidency. Then after president and Sister Clark took us out to dinner. They took us to Biaggi's, there is one in Salt Lake.It was pretty good and a ton of fun to have dinner with President and Sister Clark. Friday morning we helped at the soup kitchen. Then I need to do an unplanned baptismal interview. Usually the President would have done this interview but he wasn't able to be here so I had the opportunity. We had a district meeting in Paris and then had a lesson with Alex again. Then on SATURDAY ALEX WAS BAPTIZED!!!!!! His family came even though they were against him joining the church. They came to support him. Alex did great! he was baptized by Elder Buys and I confirmed him at church. Then we had lunch and dinner withe the PRICE FAMILY> IT WAS SO GOOD. HE IS THE STAKE PATRIARCH. (GAHHHHHHHH A GUY JUST SAT DOWN NEXT TO ME THAT SMELLS LIKE BEER. I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG I CAN TAKE IT.)
Thanks for all the love mom, Max is going to do great. Trial and pain will help him grow a stronger testimony of the Gospel. I lost 6 pounds this week and hope to loose some more next week.
Sure love ya mom!
Elder Campbell
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