Just an update on Alex he will be home on April 11th and his homecoming will be April 28th at 12:30 pm at the church at 2350 East Creek Road in Sandy. You are all invited to our home for some lunch and lots of visiting and of course big bear hugs from Alex.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Hi Mom, Yes you can be facebook friends with Emily and amy! They are great!!! I would consider them some of my best friends! I'll get you Ethan's number so you can call him and tell him to come over and have dinner. Lynn is coming down today because he couldn't come down on the week end because the storm shut down all of St. Louis. It might sound like I am going though hard times but mom I want you to know that I am happy =),, very happy and I love being here is Sikeston and I love Elder Meryers. I will hopefully never let outside influences affect my inward happiness ever!!! Oh and I'm not getting transferred, Neither is Elder Meyes. So I will be finishing up my mission here in Sikeston. Elder Meyers was not too happy about staying here but he is happy to be with me. Monday we went over to the Sanders and taught a lesson to the kids!I love the kids here! Most of the kids run and tackle me when they see me mostly the Frederick's kids (black mold family) It is hard for me to do anything because they are always trying to climb on me or what ever. Sadly that family is not changing much. Oh and Brother Sanders is a really good ankle doctor so he is going to look at my ankle tomorrow! I have a surprise for you next week =) You are going to love it=) but you have to wait until next week=)
Tuesday I was in Popular Bluff on exchanges. It was good but I hate leaving my area because when I leave nothing gets done!!! Wednesday we had district meeting. It was good The couple missionaries were there you know the old ones) well she thinks I have a devil in me... but they are crazy and the ward want them kick out haha. They are nice but just crazy! I don't have a devil in me I promise, but I was not very happy on Wednesday but I am trying to help the ward. My companion and I have the whole area and about 20 people that we are teaching so sometimes my brain is on overload... but my headaches are still not too bad. If I pray often and work hard and do the right things I normally don't have a headache. But Thursday I had maybe the worst headache on my mission. After service Elder Meyers jokingly hit me in the back of my head. Now I've asked him not to do this... but he hit me pretty hard. I asked him very nicely to not ever to that again and explained again how much that really hurts me. The spirit rebuked him pretty hard.. and JI've been watching how people handle guilty he handles it by trying to be funny and not take it seriously. Some people get mad or really defensive and some just don't talk for a long time. But anyway he handles guilt really bad. I am thankful that the Lord watches over me and helps me become a better person because at the time he hit me I wanted to beat him up way bad. I think that he thinks he is stronger than me... but anyway I handled it well and the Lord helped me But the headache it gave me WOW!!!!! It was bad!!! The back of my neck felt like it was on fire and the top of my head had sharp pains running through it .It was really bad but I went and prayed to the Lord and he took it away pretty fast... It took me about a day to get over the feeling of wanting to beat him up. But sometimes it is hard because I don't know what to do for him to teach him a lesson to correct him. I don't know what to do sometimes. Anyway we had a good day and we taught a guy named Danny and he wants to join the church but his wife is not ready. Well she stayed for the lesson and it was great! She talked a lot and so hopefully they will be baptized soon. Saturday we got to do some tracting but it is still hard to get Elder Meyers to tract but he is a lot happier this week. Ever since Friday he has been so happy! but finding out he is not getting transferred might change that but for a few days he has been really happy! Maybe he has been taking those pms pills hahaha. That was so funny mom. (I sent a package this week with a bunch of medications in it because Elder Meyer was not feeling well last week. I accidentally included some over the counter p.m.s. pills. I didn't realize I had done this until I read this letter and remember setting those aside but they must have gotten mixed back in with the things I sent. I'm sure Elder Meyers thinks I am crazy.)Thank you for the package mom! you are the best!
Elder Williams is going to the St. Louis zone and Elder Philips is going to Charleston, Illinois. I am really going to miss Elder Phillips. Are you ready for a funny story!! Well Sunday morning I was having a great study in the morning, I mean I was really loving it and I looked down at my watch and .....WE HAD TEN MINUTES UNTIL CHURCH STARTED AND I WASNOT EVEN DRESSED!!!! We were 2 minutes late.... I was so embarrassed... and now for a funny/scary story...
We were teaching a family and the mom asked if she could paint my nails. I said no way that will look weird and that is just not ok. so guess what my companion said... "you can paint my nails... We had a member there! Do you know how it sounds when a member tells other members that a missionary let a girl paint his nails? Not that painting nails is that bad. A little weird on a guy but it is the calamities of that action! any way I have pictures to prove it.... but I am sure half the ward know about it and It is going to be harder to get referral... anyway we taught Jessica in Oran, a small little town here that I love. There is a good feeling about missionary work there for some reason. but we are teaching a family and they have a Bull Mastiff (those Huge dogs) and it is the sweetest thing ever! but we were teaching this family and Moses, the dog. bit a little girl outside. Now is was so the little girls fault. So everything stopped Moses didn't even bite her hard enough to draw blood, or break the skin. But it is a dog bite so the cops had to come and they were so worried that they would have to put Moses to sleep. Jessica started crying really bad... It was sad but mosses is going to live! The mom of the girl is not going to press any charges or anything. We got another referral up there for a mom whose 12 years old daughter tried to kill herself.. So that is going to be hard but we can help here if she will let us. Well we have gotten so may referrals Like 7 of them which is a lot. I have 6 more weeks here in Sikeston, Missouri I hope that is enough time to change some lives but I am worried that it is not. We are going to get our pictures in the news paper down here. I will try to send a copy home to you. I am still waving and smiling at everybody in town =) It is fun to make people smile =) I just wish the town was smaller so I could get to know everyone like in Fredericktown. If you can get the town to love missionaries then you have got a lot going for you! Don't forget that you have a surprise coming next week! I Love you mom! I am trying to make you proud! Tell Teej I love him and I have something for him that I will mail home soon! he will love it! Do you know a Kenny Allbrick? I am teaching his son.
Love, Elder Campbell
Elder Meyers fingernails. |
Elder Meyers getting his fingernails painted. |
Lynn and Alex at Lamberts. Home of the throwed rolls. |
Elder Williams is going to the St. Louis zone and Elder Philips is going to Charleston, Illinois. I am really going to miss Elder Phillips. Are you ready for a funny story!! Well Sunday morning I was having a great study in the morning, I mean I was really loving it and I looked down at my watch and .....WE HAD TEN MINUTES UNTIL CHURCH STARTED AND I WASNOT EVEN DRESSED!!!! We were 2 minutes late.... I was so embarrassed... and now for a funny/scary story...
We were teaching a family and the mom asked if she could paint my nails. I said no way that will look weird and that is just not ok. so guess what my companion said... "you can paint my nails... We had a member there! Do you know how it sounds when a member tells other members that a missionary let a girl paint his nails? Not that painting nails is that bad. A little weird on a guy but it is the calamities of that action! any way I have pictures to prove it.... but I am sure half the ward know about it and It is going to be harder to get referral... anyway we taught Jessica in Oran, a small little town here that I love. There is a good feeling about missionary work there for some reason. but we are teaching a family and they have a Bull Mastiff (those Huge dogs) and it is the sweetest thing ever! but we were teaching this family and Moses, the dog. bit a little girl outside. Now is was so the little girls fault. So everything stopped Moses didn't even bite her hard enough to draw blood, or break the skin. But it is a dog bite so the cops had to come and they were so worried that they would have to put Moses to sleep. Jessica started crying really bad... It was sad but mosses is going to live! The mom of the girl is not going to press any charges or anything. We got another referral up there for a mom whose 12 years old daughter tried to kill herself.. So that is going to be hard but we can help here if she will let us. Well we have gotten so may referrals Like 7 of them which is a lot. I have 6 more weeks here in Sikeston, Missouri I hope that is enough time to change some lives but I am worried that it is not. We are going to get our pictures in the news paper down here. I will try to send a copy home to you. I am still waving and smiling at everybody in town =) It is fun to make people smile =) I just wish the town was smaller so I could get to know everyone like in Fredericktown. If you can get the town to love missionaries then you have got a lot going for you! Don't forget that you have a surprise coming next week! I Love you mom! I am trying to make you proud! Tell Teej I love him and I have something for him that I will mail home soon! he will love it! Do you know a Kenny Allbrick? I am teaching his son.
Love, Elder Campbell
Monday, February 18, 2013
Hey mom, well I get to email today because we email at a college and the library is open. I had a rough week. But that is OK kit is all part of the plan. It was full of highs and some real lows... Well the family with the black mold house, we we moved them out of there and then life started getting better and now they don't talk to us.... I just think things are going good and the don't want God to be part of their life... But let me run though the week. Monday was p-day our appointments fell though. Tuesday we had zone conference, it was good. It was all about being happy... LAMBERTS WITH THE APS AND OFFICE ELDERS AND THE DISTRICT=) They all came down to have dinner with us =) It was so good to see them! My companion has been sick this week so we have not done any missionary work! BLAH.....It is so hard to watch the area crash and not be able to do anything about it. The very best high point of my week was; we went to the temple on the 16th... turns out that is when the Champaign YSA was at the temple so I got to see Elder Williams, Emily and Amy! Elder Williams is Great It was so great to be with him! Emily and Amy are the BEST MEMBERS EVER! They don't know how much it helped me to see all of them because my week was just so bad. Oh and I also saw Brother And Sister Kremer! They are coming down to Lamberts on Saturday and Lynn is coming on Friday So it will be a great week! Now some more good stuff we had a fireside at church on Sunday night and some people we are working with were there. Amber and Adam. It is a miracle that we found Adam.
We were teaching a family a lesson and Adam was in the other room when he heard us say the book of mormon he came into the room and said Mormon? I'm a mormon! He has been inactive but I hope he will come back... Amber said she loved the fireside. she said it was the first time she has ever gone to a church and felt everything was true! Then the spirit hit me! I knew that when I felt it too when she said that! Pray for Danny and his wife, he really wants to get baptized but his wife is against it. We don't want to cause problems in their marriage. There was also another guy there from a part member family
and we have someone moving to Sikeston that wants to be baptized! So the week was not all bad we still taught 3 member present lessons and found 1 new investigator but we have more work to do Heavenly father has more children here that are ready to hear the gospel. Don't worry mom I love every one of them! Even the ones that are hard to love.
You should send Elder Philips a package. He is a great missionary and he could use a few goodies. Transfer calls are next Wednesday! Oh. I should probable tell you that I did ask President Clark to extend my mission for one trasfer and let me train again. I pitch a real good case but he just laughed and
said no... and I figured you would be mad if I extended it anyway >.< but I tried. I love you mom! I'll be a better missionary this week. and you should read chapter 10 in preach my gospel it will help you in your class! Love, Elder Campbell
We were teaching a family a lesson and Adam was in the other room when he heard us say the book of mormon he came into the room and said Mormon? I'm a mormon! He has been inactive but I hope he will come back... Amber said she loved the fireside. she said it was the first time she has ever gone to a church and felt everything was true! Then the spirit hit me! I knew that when I felt it too when she said that! Pray for Danny and his wife, he really wants to get baptized but his wife is against it. We don't want to cause problems in their marriage. There was also another guy there from a part member family
and we have someone moving to Sikeston that wants to be baptized! So the week was not all bad we still taught 3 member present lessons and found 1 new investigator but we have more work to do Heavenly father has more children here that are ready to hear the gospel. Don't worry mom I love every one of them! Even the ones that are hard to love.
Alex's apartment after the cleaning/ |
Alex and Elder Williams in Danville. He wanted to make sure Everyone knew that they had permission to do this. |
Another view of the Apartment. |
The luxurious missionary suite. |
said no... and I figured you would be mad if I extended it anyway >.< but I tried. I love you mom! I'll be a better missionary this week. and you should read chapter 10 in preach my gospel it will help you in your class! Love, Elder Campbell
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Monday, February 11, 2013
THE ONLY THING I NEED IS TUNA!!!!that is because I've only had dinner at 4 members houses since I've been here... It is kind of rough but it will get fixed before I'm done here. (I keep teasing him that we are going to have tuna sandwiches for his homecoming)Tuesday we had service in the morning. I really like doing service there. Then we had lunch and then we had a lesson with a guy named Joe. Then we had a lesson with Daniel. He has suffered with head aches like I have.Then we had a lesson with a family the kids really want to learn but we will have to see about the parents.
Wednesday we had district meeting in the morning then we went to subway for lunch... I talked with some Jehovah Witnesses but they did not want me to come to their house and teach them about Jesus Christ... Bummer. Then we went to to this little town called Morehouse and a miracle happened! Now I have never seen the lords hand in missionary work so much since Fredercktown. We have only tracted for maybe 40 minutes since I have been here... and we have found 22 people to teach... CRAZY RIGHT! but in Morehouse we tracted into a family then taught the first lesson with the wife crying few times at the end we asked them to pray and ask God for a witness of it's truth. The wife said I already know it is true because I feel the spirit so strong and the husband was on board for changing and felt it was true as well. We were just skipping around for the rest of the day, We were so happpy. We told them that they need to still pray about it and gain another witness. There is one member family that lives in Morehouse and they are so happy about that and when we told the members about tht lesson we got 2 more referrals for Morehouse. Then we came back and had dinner and then had our meeting with the ward mission leader. Thursday we had to clean the carpet here!!!!! It was so lame! So the mission got 2 carpet cleaners and they are traveling around the mission. Well we got it first because of how bad our carpet is. Well it took like 5 hours to do all of that!!! It was so nasty.... no matter how many times you went over something it never stopped sucking out dirt from the floor... but it looks a lot better now. I no longer want Kevin's job of cleaning carpets... I've had enough. Well I didn't have anytime to do missionary work. Well kinda, we did set up a lesson I think. Well Friday we had more cleaning of the carpet we taught a lesson to the Frederick family. They are doing a lot better (The wife wants to get baptized by me before I go home But we have a lot of things to work on. Saturday we had a funeral of a very nice lady that would bring us candy... but a lot of non members were going to be there so we wanted to be there. Well after that we helped a guy with his yard! His wife was so happy when we showed up to help! We did a really good job and thought we had won them over with our hard work and we could teach them but it didn't happen... bummer. Sunday we had church and then dinner with a family named the Willliams. Then brother Williams came out on team ups with us! It was great! WE taught a family well kind of 2 families that live in an old funeral home. Well yeah that is the week. I'm losing a lot of weight =) yes Elder Gubler is crazy and yes he is in Alton and yes he is driving Lynn crazy, in a good way! Thank you so much for the rain coat! It came just in time! You are the best mom! Elder Meyers loved the blue tie that you sent! he is a stipe tie guy! Thank you so much for the ties mom! you are the best! Well I wish I had some pictures for you... So tell me what you want pictures of. Tomorrow we are going to Lambert's with the office elders and the APs it is gonna be way fun!
Love, Elder Campbell
![]() |
Throwed rolls at Lamberts |
Love, Elder Campbell
Monday, February 4, 2013
Elder Meyers is a really good guy and he makes me laugh. I know how to work with people, well at least missionaries. We have a fun time and we get work done. We found 5 new investigators this week and 5 last week. So we went from a teaching pool of 0 to 12 in two weeks! The lord has really helped us here. Dan is getting baptized up in Urbana!!!! Yeah buddy! he is such a great guy!!! Tell dad not to worry about tornados. Yes, we have a place to go. We have a member that lives like 100 yards from us. We have a key to his house and he has a basement so we are safe. Yeah, the storm on Wednesday was sweet but it was not really that bad. There were a few tornadoes but nothing touched down in Sikeston. Monday we had zone P-day. Elder Philips is serving in Dexter, the area right next to ours, it is great to have him here, I love him and he is a great missionary. Last week he found 7 new investigators and we found 5 new so that is 12. The whole rest of the zone found 6. The Lord is just really blessing us down here in the far South of the mission. Sikeston has not been worked hard in a while. Tuesday we found a family and another guy. WE had dinner with a super family down here!!! They are the Andersons. Wednesday we had district meeting. We found a guy that wants to be baptized but his wife is not for it. But we have got a plan to help with that. Thursday we had service in the morning. and the we headed out to see a referral that went way good and we found another family. Friday we helped a family move.... Black mold had taken over their house... It was just a really bad situation the husband abuses his wife and had punched holes all over the house. We found a huge knife in the wall too. You can see Satan in this man sometimes. He has done so many drugs and stuff he just kind of snaps and looks like he has lost his will. But that is just what working in these places is like. But we are gonna fix that family. The wife said I could baptize her, she has to make some changes in her life. Saturday we taught a family that we found on Tuesday. Then we helped the black mold family again. Then we had dinner at Brother Watkins and taught a part member family. Sunday was good. It was super bowl time so no point in tracting. It was kind of lame. But yeah I love it down here ;) I just worry I am going to let the people down here. But I do love it and I think I can help some people Here =) Time is going really fast here. I only have 9 more weeks to really change some peoples lives here. I am doing a lot of chin ups and sit ups and push ups. I am starting to get some of my strength back. Well mom, I sure love you. Thanks for all of the mail and all the things you do for me! I might be going to Fredericktown for a day to do some work! Love, Elder Campbell
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