HEY MOM!!! That is so cool about Max's eagle project! Over 2000 pounds of food wow! Thank you for the package, it was nice.. Monday we had a normal p-day with a ride down to Paris! We got there at night and planned for our next day and went to bed. Tuesday we went on exchanges with the Paris Elders.Elder Hunter was sick so after 2 hours of tracting he was not feeling well at all and couldn't go out he looked very sick so he went to bed and I cleaned the apartment. Then that night we traveled back to Urbana. Wednesday in the morning we had Champaign's district meeting. The Barbers were at the district meeting, they are a senior couple that just started their 3rd mission. They are so great! They made cookies and brother Barber bore his testimony. He has such a strong spirit about him. We had a lesson with Emily she is doing really well! Her baptism wil be on the 24th. We hope everything is good to go for baptism. Thursday we had Danville's district meeting. They are still doing really well. We came back and prepped for the stake coordination meeting we had later that day. The stake meeting went well ant it will be the last stake meeting we have with president Lunt. Friday we had service at the Soup Kitchen! Then just normal missionary work. Saturday we had a normal day of working but it rained all day! Sunday we had church and Elder Buys confirmed Jess a member of the church. Then we did some tracting and then we had dinner with the whole YSA branch. It was a lot of fun. After we get done emailing we have a lesson with Emily! So things have been going well I can't wait for the day I can soak all the stress away in the new hot tub.... That sounds so nice... my body is always so tight and I can never stretch it all out. University work has been hard for me... but I just need to keep working so this is something dad would like to hear, I looked back at the day I came into the mission and President Clark's message to to the mission was "Never give up" I thought dad would like that. So I have been doing really well a writing in my journal. I have been doing a page a day and the journal pages are big!!! I am also working on a smaller book of funny stories or other things that happened in the mission. Ya I know I only have 6 months left so I will probably only have one more area after this one. I don't know if I am going to stay here again in the university but I think I will be released as zone leader soon and just be a regular missionary again. I hope I get the opportunity to train again. Sure do love ya mom Thanks for the great email! You are the best! Love,
Elder Campbell
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