
Monday, March 25, 2013

Hey mom as for the headaches... They are bad as far as missionary work it was the worst of times and the best of time. As far as happiness goes I am happy =) I just have some bad headaches. Ray Ray and J.D. will be baptized on Friday and I will be baptizing Ray Ray. We are like two peas in a pod!!! Is is o.k. to have a 10 year old be one of your best friends =) she is so smart! Danny has told us that he is not sure about the church and we have not been able to talk to him... This week was one of the hardest everything was going wrong.... Bad, bad headaches, worry and stress over the work. Things falling apart. On Thursday I received a letter, it had turtles on it and a quote and a few lines of uplifting writings. From that point on the week changed. Sometimes I don't think people fully understand how much the Lord will use other people to answer your prayers. I am thankful for the loving people in my life. Well monday we taught the Lewis grandchildren. Ray Ray and J.D. and the 3 other kids oh man they are as cute as all get up. Tuesday we had the music performance. It went well, we did there is a green hill far away. It was ok then we were asked to sing brightly beams our fathers mercy for the stake fireside on Sunday. So Elder Meyers, Elder Marshal, Elder Bassett and I sang it with out a piano. Tuesday we had dinner at Lamberts with the district. Then I was with Elder Locklear in Poplar bluff. It was a good, good day we found some people for them to teach I also got yelled by this guy and I had to fight the desire to make him look like an idiot in front of his family... Because he was being stupid. But I was still mad that I got upset when I was yelled at for a good 10 minutes. But I just havent. been yelled at for a little while. I said a prayer to Heavenly Father asking him to bless this man and to give him happiness and asked for forgiveness and then my heart changed a little =) That is a way that the atonement works for me=) feeling of peace and forgiveness. Well Tuesday we found a new investigator in poplar bluff and then went back to Sikeston and we found a guy in Sikeston! Then I don't remember much of the day after that other than getting that card that changed my week. So far I know it doesn't sound like a bad week but it was the feelings in my mind and heart that made it hard and those headaches!!! But don't worry about the Headaches I have it under control =) Friday we tracted I remember that but other than that we did a few other small things. Saturday we got out almost the whole day I was so proud of Elder Meyers! We found a new investigator and taught the Lewis kids =) I was much happier at his part of the week. Sunday Danny tells us he is not sure about the church any more :( The Lewis family was there and the racist people attack me for having them baptized  Haha not with fist but with words filled with grossness. The Branch President is all for the Lewis kids getting baptized. Then the AP's cam down my good friends Elder Crowley and Elder Bean;) I got to be with Elder Crowley! It was good to see him. I was his zone leader in Chesterfield and he was a district leader. Then he became a zone leader when I left so I was able to see him at ZLC. Then we found another family to teach. Then we went and sang to the stake with O'neal Miner. The ap's stayed the night with us and now we are going to Lambert's after emailing. I sure love you mom! Thank you for the prayers!
                   Love, Elder Campbell

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