Alright, I'm going to go though the week first. Monday was crazy because we has a dentist appointment at 9 a.m. we had to email, shop and be at the Frontenac church at 1 for zone We got done with p-day at 6 o'clock and had a meeting with the bishop. I love bishop Blair. He is a great guy! Then we had the YSA FHE. Tuesday we had Pagedale's district meeting which Elder Belnap did a great job for his first district meeting. Elder Crowley is also in that district. He is one of my favorite elders in the zone!!! We had a whole bunch of planing after that we had a DISTRICT LEADER-ZONE LEADER CONFERENCE which went really well. Tuesday night we started an exchange with the ap's. The ap's live in Brother Thomas's home. He is like the best eye doctor in the country. Bishop Blair said he was going to set something up with him some day Bishop Blair and his family are in Italy right now. Wednesday we had the Parkway's district meeting. Elder Bullock did a great job as always. The rest of the day was normal missionary work. Thursday was good just a whole bunch of missionary work. We taught a lesson to the Freemans' Friday was more missionary work... hahaha. I'm sorry that I don't have a lot to talk about when I go the though my days. We don't have many investigators so that mean a whole lot of tracting. Saturday we had breakfast with the Voyel's! IT WAS GREAT! Then we tried to contact this guy named Ray, he didn't answer his door. Then we visited a part member less active it turns out they left the church but son't take their names off because they love the people but thy got way into a lot tof the anti mormon stuff. She was active for 28 years and her husband was a councilor in the bishopric. They just fell into a trap. Then we tracted then out agaian. Then we taught a lesson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!To a lady named TIFINNY! A NEW INVESTIGATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!YAY!!!!!
Hopefully we will be seeing more of those. Sunday we had 6 hours of church like normal then we had dinner with the Gidden family!!!!!!! They are on of the best families ever. So yesterday the 28th we visited the part member family. They talked about anti mormon stuff for about 40 minutes. All I can say is guard your tetimony. Make sure it is strong because you never know when it is going to get shaken. I saw many examples of that this week. Alright .... on to other things. This week has been one of the harder ones on my mission but in a good way way it is hard because you are working hard, that is good it is just a little hard to change from helping other missionaries mode to find teach and baptize mode. Not that I can't do both it just almost all of out time last transfer was spent helping other missionaries but we are working hard now.
Elder Jager is from Oregon. His mom was just named Oregon's mother of the year so that should give you something to stalk on the internet. THAN YOU SO MUCH for the shirts they are perfect! The tie is the most beautiful tie in the world! This week will be ZLC and leadership so it is going to be two full days of meetings. So at the end of this transfer it will be 4 1/2 months os a zone leader. The time has just flown by. I mailed a letter to the bishop. I started reading the Book of Mormon for the 4th time on my mission. I'm really happy about that! the book of Mormon is what really keeps me strong on my mission. When people bash with us or shoot every bit of Mormon anti at us it all goes back to the Book of Mormon. It has been an anchor to my soul. Max had better be reading it everyday!!!!! How is Sarah's dog doing? How is Sarah doing? How is dad doing? I haven't gotten an email from Max in a long time!!!! This week looks like it will go by super quick. hahaha I never have any cute little spiritual insights to share or anything but I do learn a lot and I am changing a lot. We are getting a whole bunch of new missionaries in so I might be training again soon. I would love to be a district leader again sometime. Well I am doing great I am becoming stronger and stronger in the Gospel everyday. I hope that even though I am not good at sharing spiritual stuff I hope it will be evident to see in my person when I return home.
Love ya Mom, Elder Campbell
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